
OneGeochemistry is a global initiative that brings together major geochemical data providers and the geochemical research community with the objective of establishing global standards and best practices for FAIR geochemical laboratory analytical data that are as open as possible and as closed as necessary. OneGeochemistry operates as a CODATA Working Group.


OneGeochemistry is working towards an interoperable global geochemical data network that links international geochemical data service providers.


Advance scientific knowledge and discovery by promoting best practices and protocols for reporting geochemical data that will make the data not only globally findable and accessible, but also interoperable and reusable (FAIR).

Find out More

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”.

Benjamin Franklin

Find a Best Practice: Browse existing best practice recommendations for different aspects of geochemical data and research.

Participate: Review membership types and other ways to get involved in OneGeochemistry.

Conference Calendar: Check out the conference calendar for upcoming conferences and past OneGeochemistry events and resources.

Endorsed by

The following international geo- and cosmochemical societies have endorsed OneGeochemistry as the trusted international initiative tasked with bringing together the community and coordinate global efforts in geochemical data standardisation.

Supported by

Predominantly a voluntary effort, the OneGeochemistry initiative is currently run through a working group of the International Science Council’s Committee on DATA (CODATA) and receives a small amount of funding through the Horizon Europe project ‘WorldFAIR’ and from AuScope. Most OneGeochemistry activities are directly supported by the participating national and international data systems.